Leap Over Competition – Welcome to the Captains Blog. This page is a source of inspiration, encouragement and challenge to help empower you to do your very best work.
Bert Molner is a Captain of Industry. After graduating with a BS in Architecture and Building Construction Management (with back to back awards from College Students of America - top 5% nationwide) he was recruited by the largest home builder in America. They designed a special management program to expose Bert to every aspect of running a Fortune 500 construction firm. In just a few years, he was responsible for co-ordinating the largest international housing shipment on the planet - 12,400 homes.
His marketing and business expertise led to being recruited by a leading financial firm, where he was soon ranked #1 in the World for new firm growth as a financial advisor. He was commissioned to share his marketing prowess by publishing “Leap Over Competition.” He has also been a popular inspirational speaker at national venues and conferences (National Attorneys Conference, National Estate Planning Consortium, United Methodist Pastors Conference (how to grow your non-profit), Executive Master Mind Groups, etc.)
As an assistant to his father’s photography business beginning at age 8, Bert has applied his photography and marketing expertise to land photo shoots with the Commander of SEAL Team 2, Pentagon officials, Miss Indiana, Miss Pennsylvania, the Girl Scouts 100th Anniversary and NASA’s night launch of the Space Shuttle.
This marketing and photography experience has allowed him to help Australian, Canadian, Chilean and Chinese international businesses. The lesson learned – “People from around the world buy with their eyes and their emotions.”
Please enjoy these articles to unleash your creativity, sense of adventure and the ability to grow your organization by inspiring others.
Cheers – Bert F. Molner
Welcome Readers – to the Marketing Vision Blog
After being asked to write several books, I realized that people are constantly asking for my help and creative insight to grow their organization. Many others have told me I need to share my stories to help inspire others.
So I am sharing those stories here. But, hearing an idea without taking action, is still just a dream. So be sure to tell me how you have implemented these inspirational ideas to help others. Feel free to share and invite others.
Don’t forget to ask about a Done-For-You monthly newsletter to help you stay in touch with your tribe to improve retention. Also ask about our magazine feature article highlighting your organization.
And remember, people from around the world form their first impressions in the blink of an eye (and years later, rarely change their opinion). Don’t waste your valuable first impressions with poor photography. So let the adventures begin.
Seeding Your Dreams
Bert Molner